Blueprinter Updates


Multiple small updates and fixes, highlighted by a notification letting you know if other users are on the same screen.

1. Same screen notification: Users will see which other team members are on the same screen. They will also see a highlight, in the particular cells that other team members are working within. 


2. Tool 1.1 design change: The noteboards will change in appearance to be more consistent with the rest of the design for Step 1. 

3. Bad internet warning: When working with spotty internet, Blueprinter software doesn't perform well due to cycling between "offline" and "online" modes. When this happens, it's best for a user to just go "offline." A warning has been created to alert the user to a bad or spotty internet condition.

4. Multiple Log-in Eliminated:  Previously, if a user logged into to Blueprinter software multiple times, they could accidentally overwrite their own work. This situation has been eliminated.