Blueprinting Center

5. Blueprinter Software Page of Blueprinting Center

What does the "Open Blueprinter 5.0" button do?

When you click the "Open Blueprinter 5.0" button at the top of your Blueprinting Center (, you'll go to the most valuable Blueprinting tool... the cloud-based software you and your team use for interviews and more. Your first-year subscription covers everything in the Blueprinting Center... including this software. After that, you renew your Blueprinter software subscription to continue creating and accessing Blueprinting projects. (But if you don't renew in any year(s), your projects do not get deleted.)

When you click this button, you'll arrive at the Blueprinter software "My Projects" page. This contains all the Blueprinting projects that you created, using the "New Project" button (see red arrow below)... or a company colleague created (and then added you to their project team).

Spend a few minutes getting familiar with this home page. On the right side you'll see...

  • Cloud Synced (green arrow): A green checkmark says the data stored in your computer web-browser's memory cache is identical to that stored on AIM's cloud servers... so you can do offline interviews without an internet connection.
  • Pin Button (blue arrow): This lets you "pin" important projects so they show up at the top of your list.
  • Show Active Projects (orange arrow): This lets you display just those projects you've opened recently.
  • Show Hidden Projects (purple arrow): If you feel your page is getting too cluttered, you can hide some projects... and then click again to view them.

Blueprinting Center - Blueprinter Software-1

There's much more to Blueprinter software. That's why we have an entire BlueHelp Category devoted to it. To learn more, visit this category at Blueprinter Software


Keywords: Blueprinter software, Open Blueprinter 5.0, My Projects, cloud synced, pin projects, show active projects, show hidden projects